Home CIN vs. NKY 2019

CIN vs. NKY 2019

Kentucky and Ohio Chefs Explain What Sets the Cuisines Apart

One region is known for Southern comfort food; the other for its ethnically diverse melting pot. Both thrive on seasonal produce from local farms.

Northern Kentucky University Is Making a Name for Itself

The major players in higher education locally have long been the University of Cincinnati and Xavier University, but NKU is proving itself a force to be reckoned with.

The Battle of Over-the-Rhine and Covington

These little economic engines chug along on both sides of the river, but who will come out on top?

How Business Is Handled on Both Sides of the Ohio River

From liquor sales to local government, here are some nuts and bolts differences in how Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati take care of business.

Political Trends in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Are Headed in Opposite Directions

As Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati have grown similar in many ways, one stark difference stands out: politics

Four Locals On Why They Chose to Live on Their Side of the Ohio...

Four locals explain why they chose the side of the river they’re living on and what it means to them.

My Life as a Kentucky Buckeye

Raised in Northern Kentucky with a majority of my adult life spent in Ohio, which side do I tie my identity to?

The History Behind Ohio and Northern Kentucky’s Friendly Rivalry

Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky have shared, swiped, traded, bargained, and blamed ever since the first settlers drifted down the Ohio River.

Editor’s Letter, November 2019: We’re All in This Together

Ohio? Kentucky? While there are plenty of things that divide us, we're all still neighbors, y'all.