Home Authors Posts by Greg Hand

Greg Hand


Cincinnati’s Old-Time Streetcars Were Notorious Death Machines

How cheap streetcar companies caused years of bloodshed on the streets.

Artists and Models: Lots Of Innuendo But Little Romance Among Cincinnati’s Bohemians

The rigorous life modeling scene in the early days of the Art Academy of Cincinnati.

In 1905, Cincinnati Vainly Hoped To Double Its Population In Just Five Years

The unsuccessful city-wide brainstorming session that took wannabe urban planners by storm.

In 1872, Cincinnati Ground To A Halt As The City’s Horses Succumbed To A...

With today's electronic cars, it might take a computer virus to achieve the same effect.

Memories From Half A Century Ago; The Cincinnati Tornadoes of April 1974

Greg Hand looks back on his encounter with the supertornadoes that ravaged the city 50 years ago.

Cincinnati’s Clean-Up Campaigns Remind Us That Our Ancestors Lived Like Pigs

How different groups came together to raise us out of our collective filth.

For More Than Twenty Years, Billy Guthrie Fought The Law, But The Law Won

A notorious saloonist whose "concert halls" made him the king of The Wicked Strip.

Birdless Ballot Boosters Marked The End Of Boss Cox’s Cincinnati Political Machine

Bird, bird, bird. Bird is the Word. (With apologies to The Trashmen and The Rivingtons.)

