February 2010
Altared State
Sister Louise Akers was a decades-long supporter of female ordination. When Archbishop Pilarczyk asked her to renounce her conviction in 2009, her refusal set off a landslide of national interest in the Delhi nun’s beliefs.
Our Lady of Court Street
A quiet but eloquent presence among downtowners, designers, and old-line fashionistas, the late Bobbie Corbean showed everyone she met what’s so amazing about grace.
Arraign Man
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in our February 2010 issue. Prosecutor Joe Deters: I have a brief statement then I’ll take a few questions. For the past nine years, Hamilton County residents have lived in fear far exceeding the fear they normally live in. And with good reason. In the year 2000, Son […]
The Other Side of Desire
Half a decade ago, UC was looking for volunteers to test a new, improved female condom.
Bringing Up Babies
I’m sure it will surprise no one to learn that parenting twins in their first year is a monumental task. It turned out to be even tougher than I had imagined, and I already had two other wonderful daughters under my parenting belt. Don’t misunderstand me. My wife, Angie, and I love our twin girls, […]
Letter from the Editor: February 2010
For a mid-sized city not located terribly close to either coast, Cincinnati has a magnetic quality that is greatly under-estimated by the outside world.
Treasure Hunting
They may come for the DJ and the drinks, but savvy diners know there are jewels buried on Belugua’s menu.
ZZ’s Pizza Company
After opening in a funky Walnut Hills flatiron building in the late 1980s, the little gourmet pizza spot called ZZ’s Pizza Company quickly established a cult following. The narrow dining room with its odd angles and high ceiling was charming, and the owners, Bill Enz and Tom Rehme, had lots of friends and were outgoing […]
Raya’s Lebanese Restaurant
It’s refreshing to find a place where the owner makes the baklava with honey and cinnamon she ground by hand.