Home Gives 2019

Gives 2019

Mark Your Calendar for These 14 Charitable Cincinnati Events in 2020

They're fun. They give back to the community. And they happen in Cincinnati in 2020.

GeneroCity 513 Offers ‘A Positive Alternative to Panhandling’ by Helping Cincinnati’s Homeless Population

GeneroCity 513 presents “a positive alternative to panhandling” by helping downtown Cincinnati's homeless population connect with social services and earn a living wage.

La Soupe Is Devoted to Bridging the Gap Between Food Hunger and Waste

La Soupe is the primary food source for as many as 2,000 people per week in and around Cincinnati, most 
of whom are kids from food-insecure households.

Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank Is Changing the Diaper Dilemma

Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank has distributed 2.4 million diapers since 2016. We sat down with founder Megan Fischer to chat about her efforts.

The Yellow Ribbon Support Center Packages Care

The Yellow Ribbon Support Center works to provide comfort to our active-duty military members while reminding us of their dedication and service so far from home.

Three Queen City Retailers With Totally Philanthropic Missions

Shop at these Queen City retailers and support a good cause at the same time.

Buy One of These Great Gifts That Give Back to the Local Community

Score a cool present for your loved ones and support great causes in Cincinnati with these five gift ideas that give back.

Veggies Via Vespa Grows and Delivers Fresh Produce to Families With Limited Access

Veggies Via Vespa grows and delivers fresh produce to families with limited access, one Vespa ride at a time.

Local Kids’ Lemon-Aid Stand Fund-Raising Efforts Go Viral

Two local families' lemon-aid stand fund-raising efforts raised more than $200,000 for Cincinnati's Children's Hospital Medical Center.

SPCA Cincinnati Provides Shelter for Any Animal

Dogs, kittens, and other animals find refuge and a new temporary home at local Cincinnati no-kill, open-admission shelter.