Led by former chef Suzy DeYoung, La Soupe is devoted to “bridging the gap between food hunger and waste,” with the mission to “rescue, transform, and share.” Operating since 2014, La Soupe is now the primary food source for as many as 2,000 people per week in and around Cincinnati, most of whom are kids from food-insecure households.
Here’s how it works:
- It all starts with the food. DeYoung and her volunteer “bucket brigade” rescue unused produce from local groceries, farmers, and restaurants. A $25 donation rescues 85 pounds of food from landfills.
- Another way to help is to volunteer your time. Volunteers drive the rescued food to La Soupe to be transformed into delicious and nutritious meals.
- Chef partners and volunteer kitchen helpers prep, create, and package items like soup, smoothies, and applesauce.
- Volunteers transport the transformed meals to partner agencies like schools and churches. A $100 donation feeds a class of 30 kids for two weeks, and $500 feeds a family of four for a year.
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