Jay Stowe
Letter from the Editor: September 2016
Capitalism, being the official state religion of these United States, seeps into our lives whether we want it to or not. Nevertheless, with a budding 10-year-old capitalist in the house, I am being forced to face my fears.
Letter from the Editor: August 2016
"It was like an atomic fruit bomb went off: apricots were everywhere. I’ve never eaten so many apricot tarts, or so much apricot jam, in my entire life."
Letter from the Editor: July 2016
What do you do when your wife comes home with 17 pounds of fresh sausage?
Letter from the Editor: June 2016
"I got away from there to be here, and if being here means saving this idiot from himself, then alright."
Letter from the Editor: May 2016
Having grown up in Cincinnati, and attended school here, and ground out a career in advertising, Bob had a distinct sense of humor about his (our) state of existence. Another way to put it is: His soul had not yet been crushed, and he was fighting valiantly, mano-a-mano, to avoid the crusher. His weapon of choice? Satire.
Letter from the Editor: April 2016
I was born and raised Catholic here in Cincinnati and have done my best to stick with it. I keep trying—or in the parlance of Twitter, #trying. But the questions, frustrations, and conundrums—with the Church as well as my place in the cosmos—never cease. One thing I feel certain of: I am not alone.
Letter from the Editor: March 2016
In addition to being a big eater, Joanne Drilling, our dining editor, is a big reader and thinker.
Letter from the Editor: February 2016
Our dog died about a year ago. Her name was Gillian. She was a proud mutt, a terrier-and-hound mix (we think) with a remarkable facility to amaze us with her doggy brilliance and confound us with her canine hardheadedness.
Letter from the Editor: January 2016
The bulk of my radio listening these days takes place in the car, and since WVXU carries This American Life on Saturday afternoons, I usually hear Ira Glass, the host, and his revolving crew of awesome contributors, while I’m running an errand.
Letter from the Editor: December 2015
If you’re surprised to discover that the barista brewing your latte is using Cincinnati as a base of operations for an acting career, don’t be. The city is in the midst of boomlet of independent film shoots.