How to Live a More

How to Live a MoreSustainable Life

Our guide covers everything from recycling basics and places you can get rid of hard-to-recycle stuff to organizations and podcasts that will help you go green.

By Lauren Fisher, John Fox, Cedric Rose, Carrie Blackmore Smith, and John Stowell

Get On The Green Team

A surprisingly vast array of experts across Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky are ready, willing, and able to help you go green.

Rise of the Refill: Five Local Reusable Finds

Reduce waste easily with these local refilleries

Curating A Greener Podcast Playlist

Not sure where to start on your journey toward personal sustainability? These podcasts can point you in the right direction.

Our Waste, Our Problem

Cincinnati’s growing waste footprint threatens all attempts to make our community more sustainable. Thankfully, there’s something each of us can each do about it.

Climate Change Is Just Getting Warmed up

Even though Cincinnati is far from the coasts and has been called a “climate haven,” threats from summer heat, winter warming, heavy rains, and flooding are real and growing. Local leaders are working on strategies for both mitigation and adaptation.

Twenty Tiny Ways to Turn Down the Waste

20 steps you can take today to cut down on waste and reduce your carbon footprint.

With New Array, Cincinnati Is Placing Big Bets On Solar

The largest U.S. municipal solar array now powers the city’s government buildings.

Pandemic Lessons: A Tale Of Two Crises

Lessons from the pandemic for a warming planet.

Recycling 101: Your Guide to Going Green

Don’t let the fear of a confusing system keep you from doing your part.

Read a digital copy of our June issue!