Home The Age of Influence 2023

The Age of Influence 2023

Dione Wu Cooks Up Aesthetically Pleasing Food Photos

Anyone can take a picture of a meal. But when it comes to documenting perfectly Instagrammable plates, local food blogger Dione Wu has a gift.

Advice from Travis McElroy, Your Middlest Brother

The Cincinnati-based, world-renowned comedy podcaster ponders his family’s advice show, the impact of influencers, and big life moves.

Understanding TikTok (And Five Of Our Favorites)

Not sure where to start with TikTok? We've got a short explainer and five local follows for you to check out.

Morgan Angelique Owens Helps Women Find Their Glow-Up

Through her blog, book, and more, Owens aims to elevate confidence and beauty in Black women.

Frankie Gaw Puts His Love For Cincinnati In His Food

Food writer and social media star Frankie Gaw may live in Seattle these days, but he’s the first to admit that he’ll always be a Cincinnati boy at heart.

Dylan Morton’s Journey From the Roller Rink to Disney Channel

Sharing his passion for roller skating brought this lifelong Cincinnatian a whole new career.

Everyone Wears Means Cameron’s Clothes, From Burrow To BET

The designer started BlaCkOWned Outerwear from the trunk of his car and now has fans all over the globe.

How To Get The Perfect Shot

Not all photos are created equal. Here's how to look your best on camera.

Squad Goals: Local Influencers Who Promote Cincinnati Magazine Events

Meet some of the local influencers working with Cincinnati Magazine to promote our events.

Hugo Pereira Draws Something New Every Day

Brazilian-born Hugo Pereira uses his global following on Instagram and TikTok to share his unique artwork and give tips to budding artists.