Home Authors Posts by Jene Galvin

Jene Galvin


We Camped Out To Get Our Kids Into Magnet Schools and All We Got...

Sure, a lot of dedicated parents are willing to sleep in the cold to get their children into a wildly popular CPS program. But plenty of equally dedicated parents can't. Is this any way to run a public school enrollment system?

Many Happy Returns

Merrill Glos and his motorcycles have wandered farther from home and encountered more than most people on Earth.

The River Mild

Heard the one about the two 70-year-old dudes who paddled 80 miles down the Little Miami in a canoe? It begins with a logjam.

Walk This Way

Wouldn’t it be great if America had a cross-country trail where hikers could ramble from coast to coast, meeting locals and bonding over shared experiences? Actually, we already do. And it’s as close as your own backyard.

The Snowy Owls Are Coming!

This winter offers the tantalizing possibility of seeing the rare and extremely awesome snowy owl, a charismatic visitor from the frozen North.

School’s (Far) Out

For a few bright, hopeful years, the New Morning School brought independent alternative education to a cadre of curious, fed-up teenagers (and their even more fed-up parents).

Myth Adventures on the Sasquatch Trail

Fraud? Fable? Camera-shy, tree-thumping man-beast? When it comes to bigfoot, we’re all over the map (literally).

Folk Tales

The Queen City Balladeers and Leo Coffeehouse celebrate 50 years.

Hogs Gone Wild

Ohio’s feral pigs (big, diseased creatures, running roughshod over farms and state land, doing untold damage costing millions of dollars) are headed this way! And there’s only one way to stop them.

It’s Not About the Birds

Twelve months, 681 species, and Matt Stenger’s inner journey.

