Nadia Ruffin, a.k.a. Urban Farm Sista, has made it her mission to get more people into urban agriculture. The owner of Quiwi Produce and founder of Agricademy Inc., Ruffin has undergraduate and master’s degrees in agriculture and entomology from Ohio State University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which she uses to create programs on Black empowerment through agriculture for kids and adults. “Many people think agriculture is just farming,” Ruffin told the podcast Cultivating Place back in 2019. “Agriculture is a huge industry. There are so many components that people aren’t even aware of.” And she’ll teach you all about them when you schedule one of her “sip and seed” parties. Party topics include garden types and plant requirements, and she’ll even supply the seeds you’ll need to get your garden started at home.
Quiwi Produce’s “Sip and Seed” Parties Help Your Garden Grow
Nadia Ruffin wants to connect you to the land, and she uses agriculture as a means of empowerment.
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