Queen City Hemp’s Seltzers Bring You Guilt-Free CBD

Queen City Hemp CBD Seltzer Water is infused with non-psychoactive cannabinoids (CBD), and is a refreshing way to introduce yourself to the relaxing—and legal—health benefits of hemp.

Photograph by Aaron M. Conway

You’ve probably seen it around town, for sale at Rooted Juicery, Clifton Natural Foods, or Hemptations, sleekly packaged and sold in a range of trendy, natural flavors like lavender lemon, blood orange, guava, and passion fruit. Queen City Hemp CBD Seltzer Water is infused with non-psychoactive cannabinoids (CBD), and the carbonated beverage is a refreshing way to introduce yourself to the relaxing—and legal—health benefits of hemp without artificial additives.

In 2016 CBD food and beverage company QC Infusion began producing its hemp products out of an incubator space at Northside’s Kitchen Factory. Since then, CEO Nicholas Balzer and his teams have grown into their own, aiming to redefine the industry standard for transparency, quality, and consistency—and they have the test results to prove it. “When we first started, there weren’t a lot of companies doing [hemp products] very well,” says Balzer. “They weren’t giving customers what they need, which is a transparent, clean product.” The group also invests in organizations furthering research on mental and physical health ailments like anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Which means you can practice self-care that also cares for others.

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