Illustration by Jonny Ruzzo
You’ve probably seen him on TikTok and Instagram. Brandon Elliott, the “hot blonde” with the mullet, trying food from various restaurants around the Queen City. We recently talked with Elliott about his page, Mullet Review, how he chooses restaurants, and having food named for him.
How did you get started reviewing?
Funny enough, I just posted a picture of some ribs at a place called We Do BBQ and it went a little crazy. I just kept posting, going from pictures to making videos.
Why did you want to do food reviews?
I really got tired of just eating at fast food places and I wanted to see what all the small mom and pops had to offer, so I’ve been driving around Cincinnati to try them all.
Why do you think your reviews resonate with people?
I believe it’s me using Dollar Generals as distance, and every video I post, I write in the caption “Hot Blonde” (I mean, I am a hot blonde after all…and I’m not on the menu).
Do you consider yourself an influencer?
I’ve never really called myself an influencer. It really never sank in until people kind of gave me that title, almost like it wasn’t real. But I don’t really tell people I’m an influencer; I’m just a guy with a cool haircut and a gold tooth.
Speaking of your haircut, did you already have the mullet before you started your page or did you grow your hair out specifically to do this?
I decided to get a mullet after a Facebook dare back in 2020, and I have had one since. It’s more than a haircut; it’s a way of life.
What’s the hardest part about food reviewing?
I’ll tell you what, re-learning how to use chopsticks. I know how to use them but man, I feel like I never get it right. Also, remembering to take pictures and not eat all the food first.
What are you looking for when you’re choosing restaurants to review?
I let my girlfriend, Sophia, pick what food she wants, and I try to find a place to go to. In reality, she is just picking and I’m finding a place to go to, but it keeps me from sleeping on the couch.
What’s your favorite local spot?
I love Lori’s American Grille in Goshen. She makes some crazy burgers and really is the best food around. She even has crab Rangoon cheese sticks. She named a burger after me called “The Mullet.”
Are there any other restaurants with mullet-themed food now, thanks to your influence?
There are several restaurants that named a food item after me, like Roscoe’s Pizza, ALL8UP, Miranda’s Ice Cream, Burgitto Bistro, Redwine & Co., and Little Trolley Donuts. All have an item named “The Mullet” on their menus because after every review, I clarify I’m not on the menu and well, I certainly can’t say that anymore.
Do you have any special plans for your page for this year?
I haven’t planned a thing since I started Mullet Review. Everything has been a whirlwind, just happening so fast. The first place to really treat me like a food reviewer was a food truck named Little Trolley Donuts and since that, it’s just been going and trying new food places and passing a few Dollar Generals along the way. I’m very grateful people enjoy the reviews I do because in reality, I’ll eat anything that doesn’t eat me first. But I’m glad everyone joins in just to have fun. I’m glad everyone is enjoying Mullet Mania.
Visit our Instagram account to see Elliott in action as he teams up with our Social Media Editor Brianna Connock for a visit to Lori’s American Grille!
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