Introducing: Podopolis


Introducing a new podcast, powered by Cincinnati Magazine.

Podopolis is a very Porkopolis podcast hosted by Linsey Kraeling and Justin Williams, two very Cincinnati people. (Check out our CM Conversations podcast as an appetizer.)

Coming soon are bi-weekly episodes in which Linsey and Justin discuss the latest news in Cincinnati the same way you talk about it with friends while tucking into a burger topped with tartar sauce, or digging into a plate of shredded cheese that probably has chili and noodles underneath, even if you can’t see them. Plus, plenty of random, tangential, extemporaneous thoughts on everything from food, sports, and politics to the city’s endless milieu. (There will likely be much dissecting of the west side.)

Episodes are available wherever you like to get podcasts. (iTunes! Stitcher! Google Play! TuneIn! Spotify!) If you are already a faithful follower of the Cincinnati Magazine pod, that’s great; the first few episodes of Podopolis will appear on this feed, but there is also a separate feed. Please subscribe, download, and email Apple/your congressperson/your mom to tell them how much you love it. And feel free to reach out to us at We’d love to hear from you.

(Our theme music is by The Yugos. Go download their stuff too!)


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