Writing is usually just you and a computer or maybe a pen and paper. Several local organizations, though, focus on writing as a group activity both to help improve individual skills and to build community around creativity. Women Writing for (a) Change has hosted weekly writing circles for women for almost 30 years, with new options for men and for youth, writing craft classes, retreats, and public programming. The goal is to create a safe space for writers to have their words heard and honored without judgment. The nonprofit WordPlay uses writing, storytelling, and performances to engage children and teens in creative activities at its Northside storefront as well as through schools. Since 2012 its programs have reached more than 7,500 area kids and given away 21,000 books. Word’s Worth is run by four Dayton, Ohio-based writers and teachers who build, encourage, and advance writers in workshops and group classes such as “Write Your Novel in a Year” and “Research Tips and Traps.”
Three Organizations That Nurture Writers
Sometimes it takes a village to become a better writer. These organizations can help.
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