Celebrate Native Plant Month with These Sales

Buy the native plants you need to beautify your yard, support pollinator populations, and help restore our ecosystems at these sales.

Restoration of our ecosystems quite literally starts at the roots and you can help out right in your own yard.


With workshops, native plant education, and more, everyone can have a role in supporting Mother Nature during National Native Plant Month. One plant alone can support an abundance of insects, so roll up your sleeves, grab your shovel, and get ready to grow. Not sure where to begin? These places can help you grow your green thumb with their native plant sales.

Cincinnati Nature Center

Since 2016, Cincinnati Nature Center has been running its own native plant propagation program, complete with a greenhouse and nursery. With the support of local nurseries, the center hosts an annual sale (beginning April 17), along with native plant education, garden tours, and workshops. Check out the herbs, plants, flowering trees, and shrubs for sale until June 6. 4949 Tealtown Rd., Milford, (513) 831-1711

Civic Garden Center

For more than 60 years, the Civic Garden Center has held an annual plant sale fund-raiser to support its Community Gardens, youth education, hands-on horticulture programs, and more. This year, the sale will be held mostly online, but the center will host an in-person clear-out sale on May 8. Place your online order and pick up your native flowers, grasses, and berries soon for the best selection. 2715 Reading Rd., Walnut Hills, (513) 221-0981 

Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

For leading local experts in horticulture, look no further than the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. Reserve your spot and head out to Bowyer Farm on select dates between April 24 through October 9. Dig into their wide variety of reasonably priced and ecologically important native plants. 2210 Mason Montgomery Rd., Mason, (513) 281-4700


With biannual sales in May and September, this nursery grows and sells plants from seeds that are produced locally. GoNativesNow has 60 new native plants to choose from this year, including the Milkweed family of plants, which they specialize in. Looking for a particular plant? Take a look at seed availability and GNN will grow it for you. 107 E. Concord Dr., Lebanon, (513) 505-7191

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