Alicia Wilhelmy Brings Playfulness to Her Wardrobe

The SayShaSha owner on utilizing fun and color to style herself and others.

Photograph by Devyn Glista

Occupation: Owner of Seemless Printing and SayShaSha

Style: “Hip knits.”

Why did you start SayShaSha?

I have wanted for years to have some kind of outside-the-home place for people to gather. When I started SayShaSha, I realized I have this sense of playfulness that people gravitate to, whether it’s learning to a do a new hobby like knitting or mahjong or it’s helping them style themselves for a special occasion.

You offer styling “playdates” at SayShaSha. What does that entail?

A lot of people who are in my stage of life get stuck in a rut when it comes to what we do, how we dress, and how we shop. The playdate is about getting out and playing. First, we meet somewhere fun; I have a questionnaire so I can get an idea of your style goals. I have different excursions all around town depending on what your vibe is. I’m kind of a concierge or tour guide.

How would you describe your style?

I love an element of personal, handmade creation. I tend to accessorize a lot. I’ll add more and more and more. If you ask me my favorite color, I’ll say everything.

How did you become interested in styling?

I drove my mom nuts because I would lay my clothes out on the floor, “like there was a dead body,” she’d say. I have always been interested in how I present myself. It’s a point of pride for me, and I feel like it’s an invitation to connect with others. If I go to a big conference or benefit, I’ll find something that stands out, like a pair of rhinestone boots, or I’ll wear a cowboy hat because I have southern roots. I’ll pick something that’s a conversation starter because people want to connect, and if you give them something they can notice, you’re saying, “I’m open and ready to talk. Here’s something we can start talking about.”

Who’s your style icon?

I love Patti Smith. She has a phrase, and this is what I try to find for my clients: Find your own “consistent personal aesthetic” and then embrace it and follow it.

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