This recipe is part of a full menu created by Jeremy Luers for the July 2012 issue.
Potato Fennel Salad
2 pounds fingerling potatoes
2 large or 3 small fennel bulbs, shaved thinly on mandolin (pick and reserve some of the fronds)
4 ounces baby arugula
½ cup grilled lemon vinaigrette (recipe follows)
Salt and pepper to taste
Place potatoes whole in a pot and cover with cold water. Add about a Tablespoon of salt. Bring to a boil, and cook until fork tender, approximately 15–20 minutes. Do not over-cook. (The potatoes should have some texture.) Once cooked, strain and place potatoes on a baking sheet and refrigerate until completely cool. Slice in half-inch rounds and place in a bowl. Add shaved fennel. Dress potatoes and fennel with half of the vinaigrette and marinate 15–30 minutes. Just before serving, add baby arugula, the remaining vinaigrette, salt, and pepper. Lightly toss by hand. Check for seasoning and serve immediately.
Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette
10 lemons (which will yield 3/4 cup juice)
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
¼ cup drained capers
2 Tablespoons (1 ounce) anchovies (packed in oil)
2 teaspoons grated garlic (on zester)
1 Tablespoon minced shallot
1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 ½ cups vegetable oil
½ cup extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Halve lemons. Grill over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Remove from grill and set aside until cool enough to handle. Juice them, straining seeds. Place all ingredients except oils in a blender and blend until smooth. Slowly add oils with blender running until all oil is added. Check seasoning. (You can also do this using an immersion blender.)
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