Home Authors Posts by Jennifer Hogan Redmond

Jennifer Hogan Redmond


What You Need to Know about Vaccinating Your Child

Measles and hepatitis A have made comeback appearances in Ohio in recent years. And just months ago, a chickenpox outbreak in Walton, Kentucky, resulted in a quarantine of unvaccinated students. Still, some parents are...

Ask Dr. Mom: How to Start Your Child on Solid Food

Knowing how to best feed your growing child is a common concern. How can you safely introduce solids and encourage healthy eating habits? Pediatrician Roohi Kharofa of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Center for Better Health...

Ask Dr. Mom: Safe Sleep Practices

Updated recommendations and safe sleep techniques to help your baby rest properly.

Ask the Expert: Jacquie Denny, Everything But The House

The Founder and chief development officer of Everything But the House (EBTH) has sold a rock band’s tour bus, a live horse, and other oddities. She offers a few tips on how to be a savvy shopper.

The Zika Problem: How Parents-To-Be Should Respond

Zika is a hard-to-detect illness that often goes unnoticed, making it especially dangerous for soon-to-be parents.

