Has the way you work changed since your baby was born?
I typically work remotely, and that has definitely changed since having a baby! We found a sitter she can go to a few days a week, so she gets socialization, and I get time to focus on Work Tamia instead of Parent Tamia.
You wrote recently that “Motherhood is simultaneously too much and never enough.” Does that still ring true?
It’s definitely still true! I’m constantly amazed by all of the contradictory feelings: I can’t wait to stop breastfeeding and I’m so sad to stop breastfeeding; I’m glad she’s sleeping in her own room but I miss hearing her breathe when she’s asleep.
How do you balance motherhood and a career?
I’ve been working on giving myself permission to be unbalanced—some days are more motherhood-focused, some days are more career-focused. I like a lot of structure, so one thing that’s been kind of working is purposefully dedicating certain days to one or the other. It helps me to keep them separate when possible, and hopefully it all balances out in the end.
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