We recently talked to Alexandra “Alex” Castle, the new master distiller at Augusta Distillery in Augusta, Kentucky, about her return to her home state, encouraging more people to enter the distilling industry, and what she’s missed most about the tri-state.
How did you get into the distilling business?
I was in high school when my mom suggested I study chemical engineering in college, and when I asked her what I could do with that degree, she said make beer or make bourbon. I thought that sounded cool, so that’s what I set out to do. It was during my co-op in college that I was exposed to both brewing and distilling and immediately fell in love with the distillation process. It was not long after that that I fell in love with the spirits industry as a whole.
Why did you decide to come back to this area?
The decision was based more on the amazing opportunity I saw in Augusta Distillery, but after deciding to make the move, my husband and I finally allowed ourselves to get excited about coming back to the area, as we both grew up not too far away. After nine years in another state, it feels great to be super easy driving distance to both our families.
Who inspires you?
Every woman in this industry is inspiring. They have all overcome so much and shattered so many glass ceilings, it’s hard to not be impressed by each and every one of them. And what makes it even better is that they are all there for each other They support each other and cheer each other on. What’s more inspiring than that?
You’ve accomplished a lot in your career (first female distiller in Tennessee, first female president of the Tennessee Distillers Guild, etc.). What’s still on your list of goals?
Other than being a “master distiller,” I never really had additional goals for my career, which makes me laugh when I look back on how much I have accomplished thus far. I suppose my next real goal would be releasing my first-ever Kentucky bourbon. As a Kentucky native, I love the idea of producing something that is so inherently Kentucky. Beyond that? I suppose only time will tell.
What’s your favorite drink?
I love a good whiskey sour but it has to have egg whites. The texture and frothiness that egg whites impart is so good!
How has the business changed for women since you started?
I think the industry has become more welcoming over the years. I still see people show surprise when they realize that “Alex Castle the master distiller” is a woman, but the surprise disappears quickly. We still have a ways to go to be completely free of biases and to eradicate all forms of harassment, but I do feel we’ve made great strides.
What’s the one piece of advice you’d give someone interested in this field as a career?
If you think this is the industry for you, even just a little bit, fight to get into it. Knock on every door. Use every connection. Because this industry is worth it. The people—producers, distributors, vendors, retailers, consumers—are all absolutely wonderful and we all love what we do.
Is there anything about Greater Cincinnati that you missed while away that you’re glad to have access to again?
Cincinnati-style chili! And seeing the city skyline regularly. Cincy has the prettiest skyline I’ve ever seen.
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