Hyperloop UC is Designing the Train of the Future

Planes, trains, automobiles, and…hovercraft? The future is now.

Hovercraft transportation is coming to our world from that of the Jetsons—if a group of UC students has anything to do with it. The Hyperloop, first imagined by Elon Musk and SpaceX, is a completely new, thoroughly green way to get from place to place.

Illustration by Ben Kirchner

And it’s fast—like, “Cincinnati to Chicago in half an hour” fast. A group of 60 UC students have moved forward in a SpaceX competition to build the best Hyperloop pod. They’ve built a pod, made it hover, and will run it on a test track in late January.

“Most of [the technology] has never been done before,” says Dhaval Shiyani, Hyperloop UC’s founder and team captain, noting that their work will likely serve as a foundation for future development. “It’s incredibly exciting. You don’t get a chance like this every day.”



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