If a proper vacation isn’t in the cards this year, then check out some of Cincinnati’s own trip-worthy attractions.
1. Residence Inn
It won’t feel like a getaway unless you…get away. So set yourself up for the night in one of downtown’s many swanky hotels. Our new favorite is the recently remodeled Residence Inn, housed in the historic Phelps Building. marriott.com/hotels/travel/cvgcd-residence-inn-cincinnati-downtown
2. Cincinnati Art Museum
Our gorgeous gallery on the hill is the perfect spot to start your tour. The CAM has recently re-vamped its Schmidlapp Gallery to highlight works from the ancient to the modern in cozy individual settings. cincinnatiartmuseum.org
3. Afternoon Tea at Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza
Every Saturday from September through May, the Netherland Plaza’s restaurant, Orchids at Palm Court, hosts a traditional English-style afternoon tea. Award-winning pastry chef Megan Ketover creates gorgeous desserts to complement the stunning Art Deco setting. orchidsatpalmcourt.com
4. Union Terminal Rotunda
Even if you’ve seen it before, the enormous half-dome rotunda at Union Terminal (now the Cincinnati Museum Center), with its thousands of tiny mosaic tiles and sweeping ceiling, is awe-inspiring. Finish your visit with an ice cream cone in the local parlor, which is decked out in colorful Rookwood tile. cincymuseum.org
5. Burger at Terry’s Turf Club
Every time this blogger has a friend in town, a trip to Terry’s is on the itinerary. The behemoth burgers come with a machete-sized knife and the campy décor rivals any roadside dive. 4618 Eastern Ave., Linwood, (513) 533-4222
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