1. Radiohead with Caribou
When Radiohead stops at Riverbend this summer, it will be a great opportunity to experience the venue’s fancy new all-weather artificial turf. Oh, and to see one of the greatest bands of all time. Whatever you need to do—pawn your wedding ring, hand over your first-born—just be there. June 5 at Riverbend Music Center, riverbend.org
2. Aziz Ansari
Parks and Recreation funny man Aziz Ansari recently added Cincinnati to his nationwide “Buried Alive Tour.” In the wise words of one Tom Haverford: Treat. Yo. Self. June 9 at the Aronoff Center for the Arts, cincinnatiarts.org
3. DAAPworks 2012
The University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning put Cincinnati on the design world map. The annual DAAPworks exhibition shows just what those top-ranked students can do. June 5–9 at UC’s Aronoff Center for Design and Art and University Galleries, daap.uc.edu/works2012.html
4. The City Flea
The fabulously popular City Flea is back with a vengeance. The first flea of the summer starts June 9, and runs once a month through September 15. June 9 at 12th and Vine Lot, Gateway Quarter, thecityflea.com
5. Cincinnati Roller Girls Fan Appreciation Night
Question: What’s better than tough gals in hot pants? Answer: A ringside seat and dollar beers. Cincinnati Roller Girls Fan Appreciation Night adds discount concessions and giveaways to an already riotous good time. There’s so much action, you don’t need to know your blockers from your jammers to have a blast. June 9 at Cincinnati Gardens, cincinnatirollergirls.com
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