Style Counsel: Ashley Payne


Occupation: UC Student
Her Style: Keeps it on edge

Your hair makes a striking impression on your Instagram feed. It’s been platinum, blue, purple, straight, curly, and now red. I get a lot of comments on my hair, with people saying I should do this or that. I’m still going to do what I want to do. It’s another way to express myself, and it helps me make a look my own.

Ashley Payne
Ashley Payne

Photograph by Annette Navarro

What else do you employ to put your own twist on an outfit? I’m really into socks and loafers, and I love turtlenecks. I wore my long cardigans so much this winter they’re worn out. I do some display styling at Macy’s, and the dress code there is mostly black—but I love black, so I might wear it as a leather jacket, loafers, or pants.

These days, so many people get their fashion inspiration from the web and social media. Who do you follow? Pause and Streetstyle on Instagram. I also like VFiles, which is edgier.

Ashley Payne
Ashley Payne

Photograph by Annette Navarro

Your style is clearly inspiring to your friends and followers of your Instagram (@ashleym1chelle). Who inspires you? Kanye West. His layering and the color palette that he uses, like army green and neutral colors—people are still trying to catch up and understand it. I follow Erykah Badu on Twitter. Her music is so relevant and her style is insane. She can wear a hat that’s eight feet tall and be OK with it. She’s not afraid to take risks with fashion or music. I’m also very involved with Ohio Against the World. I help style some of the photo shoots, the OATW yearbook, work some of the pop-up shops, screen T-shirts—wherever Floyd [Johnson] needs me to help out. He mentors me so much. It’s good to be around that kind of environment and energy.

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