Rachel DesRochers Bakes in Collaboration

The creator of Grateful Grahams uses her Incubator Kitchen Collective to reshape Cincinnati’s entrepreneurial scene.

Rachel DesRochers, the creator of Grateful Grahams, uses her Incubator Kitchen Collective to reshape Cincinnati’s entrepreneurial scene.

Photograph by Tasha Pinelo

Why did you start Grateful Grahams?

I was a person who had always said, “Oh, I wish I’d done this! Rachel, why didn’t you do that?” When I was pregnant, I knew I could tell my daughter, “Go create the life of your dreams!” or I could do it and show her it’s possible.

How have you changed the local food entrepreneur community?

When we started, there wasn’t anywhere to call home; not even just from the kitchen side of things, but nowhere to be seen, heard, and loved. That’s what the incubator is to me. I tell people, “If you’re just here for the ovens, we’re probably not a good fit.”

It sounds like you’ve fought off the competitive business mindset.

What’s the point of competition when there’s enough for everybody? I want to build community; I want to show people that we’re better together.

How has that shaped Power to Pursue, your women’s empowerment and entrepreneurial summit on May 20?

Well, Power to Pursue already feels like a success because through these micro events, women are showing up and being seen. We’re all here, we’re all of value. Holy fuck! That’s a game changer.

If everything went perfectly with Power to Pursue, what does that look like?

We become a national summit. We change the way women think, work, and play. We bring enoughness to every woman we can.

Can you say more about enoughness?

Feeling like we’re not enough at home, in our jobs, it’s a common theme for us. I wonder where that stems from, because I truly believe that we are enough. I mean, just imagine if all the women in Cincinnati woke up tomorrow and said, “I’m enough.” We are enough.

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