October 2013
Vision Quest
From 1978 to 2012, Michael Keating’s images wallpapered the pages of The Cincinnati Enquirer, providing a pictorial narrative of the city.
The Milkman Cometh
What did George Sperti have to do with America’s obsession with supplements? The long, winding tale of a clever young UC engineering student, a nation fighting rickets, and a little money-maker called vitamin D.
Dr. Know: October 2013
Casino locks, on-the-job costumes, & off-limit topics
Inside Information: Wardrobe Mistress
After 41 years of designing, fitting, and preserving costumes for the Cincinnati Ballet and the Cincinnati Opera, Diana Vandergriff-Adams deserves the title of Wardrobe Queen. Inside Cincinnati Ballet’s brewery-turned-wardrobe-department, she spends up to 70 hours a week spinning tulle into tutus.
Letter From the Editor: October 2013
I’m not sure what it is about October but it always seems to get us thinking about the past.
Fret Master
Harry Sparks: architect, musician, muzzle-loader, and savior of star guitars.
Hot Plate: Taj Indian Cuisine
Why is an Indian lunch buffet so enticing? Is it the smugness we feel when going back to work reeking of curry so that everyone knows where we ate—and wishes they came with us?
Todd Kelly
For Todd Kelly, executive chef of Orchids at Palm Court, farm-to-table just wasn’t cutting it.
Pipkin’s Fruit and Vegetable Market
When Steve Pipkin graduated from college, he wanted to go into farming. But, he says, “I needed to know how to sell the stuff I was going to grow.” So he got a job at a fruit market—and wound up discovering his calling.
Eat Your Way Through the Banks
Your guide to what’s where at The Banks.