Greg Hand
Cornelius Comegys: The Unsung Hero Of Cincinnati Education
It is a scandal that nowhere at the University of Cincinnati is there any recognition or remembrance for the man almost single-handedly responsible for its creation.
The Last Cincinnati Buffalo Hunt
In 1851, some 6,000 people—who were all hepped up on the mythical “Wild West”—turned out to see a lone buffalo from Columbus. It did not end well.
Lucille Lawson Baker: Cincinnati’s Hide-and-Seek Wife
"One night I also went to a bridge party, and sat next to a young lady whose divorce last year created great excitement in Cincinnati."
When Is A Brothel Not A Brothel? Madam Bennett Escapes The Law
Everybody in Cincinnati knew Kate Bennett ran a house of pleasure at 297 Elm.
They Called Him ‘Lub’ But A Cincinnati Teacher Saw Promise
It is, perhaps, the dream of every teacher, surveying the pupils on the first weeks of classes in September, to imagine that one of them may grow up to be President of the United States. That dream came true for Louise D. Horsley, who taught in the Cincinnati Public Schools for 44 years. Among her pupils at the Mount Auburn School was a large boy nicknamed "Lub," short for "Lubber" in reference to his size and weight. Lub grew up to become better known as William Howard Taft, the only person to serve as both President and Chief Justice of the United States.