Wave Pool Gallery
Go for cutting-edge work like The Peeled Eye—art made with images culled from surveillance cameras and Google street view. Through Nov 19, wavepoolgallery.org

Photograph courtesy Wave Pool Gallery
Manifest Gallery
It’s a trifecta: 1. Schema (the concept of self-image); 2. Sustain (artists address environmental peril); 3. Works by Margaret Smithers-Crump (glass-like installations). Nov 11–Dec 9, manifestgallery.org

Photograph courtesy Manifest Gallery
First came shipping containers, then a dilapidated lumberyard turned permanent gallery—opening with Lisa Walcott’s “kinetic-based” Making Space installation. Through Nov 27, parprojects.com

Photograph courtesy Par-Projects
Weston Art Gallery
How does nature work in a post-industrial landscape? After Industry, a collection of 20th-century German and American photography, shows you. Through Nov 27, cincinnatiarts.org

Photograph by Tony Walsh
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