You know how you totally could’ve been a professional dancer if you’d just stuck it out in ballet class despite being bored to death by barre exercises as a five-year-old? No, just me?
Well, you finally have the opportunity to refine your technique. Modern dance company MamLuft&Co. offers classes for children and adults, and last night’s sampler class, held at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center, proved that dance class is even more fun than you remembered.
Instructors—including August Style Counsel’s Neile Martin—took the group through several styles, from tap and jazz to traditional ballet and Pilates. Kids and grownups alike jumped and crawled and contorted during modern, swanned and flitted like Odette in heat during ballet, and got their jazz-handed Fosse on during jazz.
While the CCAC is A/C free, the heat is worth the joyful energy that comes with physical movement and much needed play. By the end of the class, everyone was smiling and sweating and furtively practicing their port de bras.
If you’re interested in fulfilling your dreams of dance, do it now: online registration ends today (you can still sign up during walk-in registration this Saturday, September 6 from 11am-12pm), so put on your dancin’ shoes and hop to it.
MamLuft&Co Children’s & Teen classes begin September 8; Adult classes begin September 14. Register online at
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