Zip Dip


On the west side, the first sign of spring is not the trill of Robin Red Breast, it’s the glow of neon around the rim of the flat roof at Zip Dip on Harrison Avenue in Bridgetown. From early March until October, long lines of locals, who have been coming here for most of their lives, form at the two walk-up windows. The soft-serve ice cream and yogurt is tasty but it’s the ambiance that keeps people coming—savoring their treats on a hot night under that neon glow. Opened in 1950, Zip Dip is not some pre-fab retro-kitsch establishment; it’s the real deal. The classic sign—an ice cream cone lanced with a thunderbolt—has blazed like a beacon from atop the building for 50 years, letting west-siders know it’s time to celebrate summer. 4050 Drew Ave. Bridgetown, (513) 574-6252,

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