The Big Move

Tips and tricks to ease the transition from the crib to the ”big kid” bed.
Icon by Jessica Dunham

The day has arrived when your baby has outgrown their crib. Here’s a few tips for making the leap to a bigger bed as smooth (and sleepy) as possible


It’s a big milestone, and you can ease the way for your little one by following these tips:

Choose the right timing: Transitioning out of the crib too early is a common trigger for

Illustration by Paige Stampatori

nighttime sleep stress, but there’s no “right” time. Some kids are ready around 2 years old, while others are closer to 4 years old. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends making the switch once the crib railing is lower than the child’s chest. If your child is consistently climbing out, it might be time. Avoid making the switch around other big transitions, like potty training, starting preschool, or welcoming a new sibling.

Give clear expectations: Determine your bedtime boundaries and communicate them clearly to your little one. Can they get up to go potty on their own, or do they have to call for a parent? Are they allowed any additional drinks or snacks once they’ve been placed in the bed? Are there consequences when they break those rules? Establishing expectations from the get-go can mitigate bad habits down the road.

Maintain the bedtime routine: Keeping familiar routines like reading, singing, and snuggling with special stuffies before bedtime can make the new bed experience feel less foreign.

Safety and child-proofing: With your child’s potential for newfound freedom, be sure to double-check their bedroom surroundings for hazards. A baby-proof doorknob lock on the inside of the door or a gate at the top of the stairs can offer peace of mind if the child is prone to wandering. Adding a railing on the bed or using a convertible toddler bed can add an extra measure of security for active sleepers.

Anticipate big feelings: This is a big change for your kiddo, and they might have a mix of emotions. Whether they’re scared or excited, be prepared to be consistent, calm, and patient as they’re processing the big move.

Helpful Books and Gadgets
Back to Bed, Ed! by Sebastien Braun
Mom and Dad come up with a plan to help little Ed stay in bed.

A Big Kid Bed Is Coming by Liz Fletcher
Louie the elephant chooses to be brave for the adventure of his new big bed.

Your Own Big Bed by Rita M. Bergstein
A little boy realizes he’s growing and is ready for a bigger bed.

Big Red Rooster Doggie Alarm Clock
A friendly puppy holds a ball that switches from red to green when it’s OK for little one to get up from bed.

Hatch Rest Baby
An app-controlled “OK to wake” nightlight that comes with a sound machine.

LittleHippo MELLA Clock
A smiley-face digital clock comes with various color settings to show kids when it’s time to sleep, play, and wake.

Big-Kid Pajamas
If your little one is still in footie pajamas, cute two-piece “big kid” PJs like those found at Spotted Goose can add extra excitement for the big move.

Check out @TakingCaraBabies on Instagram for expert sleep tips on the crib-to-bed transition.

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