Cincinnati Gives Challenge Participant, donate here:
MISSION The Motherless Daughters Ministry is a Christian organization dedicated to serving women who have lost or missed the nurturing care of a mother. We fulfill our mission by freeing women from the bondage of grief and loss through self-discovery, understanding how loss has shaped their lives, empowering them to journey towards healing themselves, and helping others. Our supportive community and resources empower you to navigate the challenges of being motherless. No matter your story, you belong here. We’ll walk beside you on your healing journey.
SERVING OUR COMMUNITY Our support services are professionally created and curated by other motherless daughters who will see you, hear you, and embrace you. Offering individual, group, online, or in-person services and courses, we meet you where you are emotionally and mentally with self-help, healing guidance, and holistic opportunities. Our services include courses, retreats, support groups, blogs, videos, podcast, coaching, and consulting for any woman who has experienced mother loss whether due to death, emotional abandonment, or narcissism. Being a motherless daughter is not easy. Every volunteer within the organization has walked your path and together we continue to heal and support. Healing is a journey, not a destination. We’ve been where you are.
Board of Directors
Chair, Mary Ellen Collins, Ph.D.
Vice Chair, Gladys Bell
Secretary, Sarah Lynn Wells
Treasurer, Sandi Carter
Executive Director – Mary Ellen Collins, Ph.D.
Financial Review Team – Joyce Lee
Financial Advisor – Rochelle Harkness
Bookkeeper – Linda LaMona
Website Administrator – Bonnie Greenwood
E-Newsletters Publisher – Margaret Campbell
• Journey Retreat Individual and Corporate Sponsors Sponsor an under-resourced Motherless Daughter for the Journey Retreat or become a corporate sponsor. The Journey Retreat is a four-day life-changing residential retreat. Corporations are encouraged to donate their branded materials for retreatants and provide financial support.
• Podcast Team Participate in our podcast, Nurturing Words: Voices of Experience as a script writer, audio editor, interviewer, social media expert, or voice over expert.
• Celebrity Sponsor Search We seek local and national celebrity sponsors who have experienced mother loss. You would be researching the Cincinnati area along with celebrities nationally who support women. They must have experienced mother loss and tell a story.
• Serve on the Board of Directors See website for more information.
• Blog writer Submit and write blogs for our website.
8730 Cincinnati Dayton Rd., #1121
West Chester, OH 45071
(513) 378-6028
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