MISSION: The Lindner Center of HOPE is a nonprofit mental health center staffed by a diverse team, united in the philosophy that by working together we can best offer hope for people living with mental illness. The patient and family are at the center of our treatment, education, and research.
SERVING OUR COMMUNITY: Lindner Center of HOPE, located in Mason, Ohio, has one of the largest medical staffs of any free-standing mental healthcare center in the country, offering deep and broad expertise in the care of mental illnesses. The Center’s facilities, combined with the expertise of the medical staff, allow clinicians to treat most diagnoses at the highest level of complexity. The Center includes a Research Institute where world-renowned researchers conduct clinical trials aimed at bringing cutting-edge treatments into clinical practice quickly.
Guided by the values of empathy, compassion, and excellence, clinicians and staff have worked together over the years to help tens of thousands of patients. Our country’s need for high quality mental health care is greater than ever before. Approximately one in four people experience significant mental health symptoms each year. Nearly everyone is personally touched by mental illness. Now is the time for Lindner Center of HOPE to grow to meet the needs of the community—to be an essential place for many more people to receive help along their mental health journey.
HOPE starts here. Together, we can ensure people have access to life-changing mental health care now and well into the future.
Board of Directors
S. Craig Lindner, Frances R. Lindner, Sandra Amoils, M.D., William Butler, Paul R. Crosby, M.D., MBA, John C. Byrd, M.D., Andrew Filak, Jr., M.D., Suzette Fisher, Greg Harmeyer, Thomas Hiltz, Esq., Paul E. Keck, M.D., Anne Kereiakes, Vincent Rinaldi, J. Scott Robertson. Cory Shaw, Pam Sibcy, Jon Zipperstein
Executive Team
Paul R. Crosby, M.D., MBA, President & CEO
Danielle J. Johnson, M.D., FAPA, Chief Medical Officer
Laurie B. Little, Psy.D., Chief Patient Experience Officer
Jennifer Pierson, Senior Director, Marketing & Outreach
Mary Alexander, Senior Director of Development
Laura Nixon, CPA, Chief Financial Officer and Administrative Officer
Melissa Slater, Senior Director, Human Resources
Jan Marhefka, MSN, RN, Chief Nursing Officer
• Attend Community Education Day – May 19, 2024, at The Manor House in Mason. A half day workshop about mental illness and addiction. For more information, contact (513) 536-0328.
• Join us in transforming lives – Donate to our Transforming HOPE Campaign. Gifts help expand our facilities, increase the number of patients served, and lessen the suffering of people with mental illness.
• Increase your awareness – Check out our blog on the Center’s website:
4075 Old Western Row Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
(513) 536-4673
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