Long Weekend: So Long, Siri

An OTR start-up eases your planning paranoia.

It’s time to say farewell to the bloated bookmarks folder and frantic Yelp-ing. Roadtrippers, an Over-the-Rhine-based travel company/tech start-up, has simplified the travel planning process. Employing user-generated advice, the map-based website and app recommends numerous spots to stop along your journey and at your destination, based on your interests. Looking to find where they filmed that one movie? They know where it is. Need a scenic spot to pull over and watch the sun set? No problem. And when you inevitably drive off the beaten path, use the app’s newest feature to access your maps even when you’re out of cell range. They also  have staycationers covered: “It’s really good in Cincinnati,” says Roadtrippers Chief of Staff Natalie Akers. “We don’t let the ball drop in our hometown.”

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